Community Calendar
Looking for opportunities to learn, play or cheer? Check out what’s happening in NorCal field hockey. If you would like to contribute an event, please contact us.

Womens Division - Stanford 6's Tournament
Sunday April 6th: Afternoon
15 min games
4 games
5 outfield players and a goalkeeper OR 6 outfield players if no goalkeeper
Roster limit TBD
Cost: $350 (Price is per team.)
Waiver: Before the tournament, each player will be required to register to complete a waiver. Stanford will notify your team how/when to do this closer to the tournament.
Refunds: Refunds will be granted if the registration is cancelled 7 days from the start of the tournament.
Capacity: 8 teams - limited capacity, sign up ASAP!
Questions? Please reach out to

NCFHA Women’s Spring League: Day 4
Each game consists of two 20 minute halves.
Game 1: 9:10am - BART vs CalTrain
Game 2: 10:10am - BART vs Muni
Game 3: 11:10am - CalTrain vs Muni
Post game social @ Gott’s Roadside.

NCFHA Women’s Spring League: Day 5
Schedule: Spring League Finale
Final Standings will be determined after conclusion of the April 20th games.
These games will consist of four 15 minute quarters.
Game 1 (Semifinals): 9:15am - 2nd in points vs 3rd in points
Game 2 (Finals): 10:45am - 1st in points vs winner of Game 1
Post game social & team celebration @ Gott’s Roadside.

NCFHA Women’s Spring League: Day 3
Each game consists of two 20 minute halves.
Game 1: 9:10am - Muni vs BART
Game 2: 10:10am - Muni vs CalTrain
Game 3: 11:10am - BART vs CalTrain
Post game social @ Gott’s Roadside.

NCFHA Women’s Spring League: Day 2
Each game consists of two 20 minute halves.
Game 1: 9:10am - CalTrain vs Muni
Game 2: 10:10am - CalTrain vs BART
Game 3: 11:10am - Muni vs BART
Post game social @ Gott’s Roadside.

NCFHA Women’s Spring League: Day 1
Each game consists of two 20 minute halves.
Game 1: 9:10am - BART vs CalTrain
Game 2: 10:10am - BART vs Muni
Game 3: 11:10am - CalTrain vs Muni
Post game social @ Gott’s Roadside.

Deadline to Register for NCFHA Spring League
We are excited to announce the dates for our upcoming women’s Spring League. Games will take place at Stanford’s Varsity Field Hockey Stadium.
Registration will remain open until 11:59pm on March 9th.
Spring League Sundays:
March 16th, 9am-12pm
March 23rd, 9am-12pm
March 30th, 9am-12pm
April 20th, 9am-12pm
April 27th, 9am-12pm
Times are subject to change.
Players will be divided into teams evenly based on skill, position, and availability for the duration of the league. Each Sunday, teams will play 1-2 full field 11v11 games.
The estimated cost for the Spring League is $135 per player. You will be invoiced for this total amount regardless of attendance. Invoices will be sent via PayPal.
Questions? Stay in touch with your NCFHA board & community:
Join our WhatsApp Community
Follow us on Instagram
Like our Facebook Page
Request to join our private Facebook group

NCFHA Women’s Winter League: Day 5 (Finale)
Schedule: Winter League Finale
Final Standings will be determined after conclusion of the March 2nd games.
These games will consist of four 15 minute quarters.
Game 1 (Semifinals): 9:15am - 2nd in points vs 3rd in points
Game 2 (Finals): 10:45am - 1st in points vs winner of Game 1
Post game social & team celebration @ Gott’s Roadside.

NCFHA Women’s Winter League: Day 4
Each game consists of two 20 minute halves.
Game 1: 9:10am - Muni vs BART
Game 2: 10:10am - Muni vs CalTrain
Game 3: 11:10am - BART vs CalTrain
Post game social @ Gott’s Roadside.

NCFHA Women’s Winter League: Day 3
Each game consists of two 20 minute halves.
Game 1: 9:10am - CalTrain vs Muni
Game 2: 10:10am - Caltrain vs BART
Game 3: 11:10am - Muni vs BART
Post game social @ Gott’s Roadside.

NCFHA Women’s Winter League: Day 2
Each game consists of two 20 minute halves.
Game 1: 12:10pm - BART vs CalTrain
Game 2: 1:10pm - BART vs Muni
Game 3: 2:10pm - CalTrain vs Muni
Post game social @ Gott’s Roadside.

NCFHA Women’s Winter League: Day 1
Each game consists of two 20 minute halves.
Game 1: 9:10am - Muni vs BART
Game 2: 10:10am - Muni vs CalTrain
Game 3: 11:10am - BART vs CalTrain
Post game social @ Gott’s Roadside.
Abby Frank
Carlota Lopez-Ballinas
Carson Peacock
Celia Lewis
Chris Bilger
Emily Genevriere
Emma Bustamante
Jenny Shen
Kat Thomas
Keely Machmer-Wessels
Lauren Ianni
Lindsey Olander
Molly Gibbs
Savannah DeVarney
Shayna Robledo
Amanda Gerenza
Antonella Pardo Figueroa
Ashley Ogle
Bonnie Pang
Delfina Druetta
Hazel Buckingham
Katiza Mitrovic
Kyra Kent
Nicole Ketterer
Nitasha Sharma
Sanaya Robinson-Shah
Sofia Manikis
Sonia Virdi
Valentina Belletti
Vanessa Stuckey
Amy Gallo
Angelica (Geli) D'Augusta
Audri Whiting
Clare Doyle
Danielle Jillson
Elle Drake
Emily Jawitz
Emma Easley
Franziska Treffert
Harjot Grewal
Molly Braun
Natalie Mohn
Nihchal Suri
Sarah Taliaferro
Scarlett Carpenter
Tadiwa Kusema

Winter League Registration Closes 1/27
Happy 2025, NCFHA! We are excited to announce the dates for our upcoming women’s Winter League. Games will be taking place at Stanford at the usual field: Varsity Field Hockey Stadium.
Registration will remain open until 11:59pm on January 27th.
Winter League Sundays:
February 2nd, 9am-12pm
February 9th, 12-3pm
February 16th, 9am-12pm
March 2nd, 9am-12pm
March 9th, 9am-12pm
Times are subject to change.
Players will be divided into teams evenly based on skill, position, and availability for the duration of the league. Each Sunday we will be hosting two full field 11v11 games, with the first starting at 9:15am and the second around 10:45am. February 9th is an exception when games will take place at 12:15pm and 1:45pm.
The estimated cost for the Winter League is $125 per player; you will be invoiced this amount even if you are unable to make certain weeks.
Please direct your questions to our private Facebook group. If you haven’t joined this group yet, we’d recommend doing so to stay in touch with your NCFHA board & community!
Women's Fall League
Berkeley Underhill Field.
Format: Full field & referees.
MUST register to play. Sign up here: Women's League — Northern California Field Hockey Association (
Women's Fall League
Berkeley Underhill Field.
Format: Full field & referees.
MUST register to play. Sign up here: Women's League — Northern California Field Hockey Association (
Women's Fall League
Berkeley Underhill Field.
Format: Full field & referees.
MUST register to play. Sign up here: Women's League — Northern California Field Hockey Association (
Women's Fall League
Berkeley Underhill Field.
Format: Full field & referees.
MUST register to play. Sign up here: Women's League — Northern California Field Hockey Association (
Women's Fall League
Berkeley Underhill Field.
Format: Full field & referees.
MUST register to play. Sign up here: Women's League — Northern California Field Hockey Association (

CalCup 2023
Cal Cup Field Hockey Tournament
Tourney Info | Cal Cup Field Hockey
Sarah is looking to put a team together for this event.
If you are interested in attending as a player with the NCFHA team, use the link below for details and RSVP:

Spring Season - Stanford
Spring Season at Stanford
Must sign up to play:

Spring Season - Stanford
Spring Season at Stanford
Must sign up to play:

Spring Season - Stanford
Spring Season at Stanford
Must sign up to play:

Spring Season - Stanford
Spring Season at Stanford
Must sign up to play:

Spring Season - Stanford
Spring Season at Stanford
Must sign up to play:

2023 Women's Winter Season Day 4
Berkeley Underhill Field
Must be registered to play:
Women's League — Northern California Field Hockey Association (

2023 Women's Winter Season Day 3
Berkeley Underhill Field
Must be registered to play:
Women's League — Northern California Field Hockey Association (

2023 Women's Winter Season Day 2
Berkeley Underhill Field
Must be registered to play:
Women's League — Northern California Field Hockey Association (

2023 Women's Winter Season Day 1
Berkeley Underhill Field
Must be registered to play:
Women's League — Northern California Field Hockey Association (
Guru Nanak Tournament
Guru Nanak Tournament in Moorpark CA.
UPDATED RULES: It’s my pleasure to share that the mixed social division rules have changed to require two women on the field at all times. Exciting news making this tournament more inclusive.
All information and registration here: Guru Nanak (
Competitive Men
Competitive Women
Social Mixed (2 women on field at all times)
Veterans 55+ (born before Sept 3, 1967)
Under 19 Men (born after Sept 3, 2003)
Under 19 Women (born after Sept 3, 2003)
Under 16 Boys ((born after Sept 3, 2006)
Under 16 Girls (born after Sept 3, 2006)
Under 14 Mixed (born after Sept 3, 2008)
Under 12 Mixed (born after Sept 3, 2010)
Under 10 Mixed (born after Sept 3, 2012)

Seattle Social
Seattle Field Hockey Club is hosting a social!
Date. Saturday/Sunday, August 13-14th
Where. Marymoor Park, Redmond WA
Format. 7v7 - Coed teams
Social. Saturday in Seattle, Sunday grillout in the beer garden!
Cost. $70 per person
Registration and Details: SFHS 2022 (

Summer Play Days (2 of 2)
Summer Play Days! Please join us at UC Davis Aggie Field Hockey Facility. 10am - 4 pm
Sign-ups coming.
Cost: 25$ Pay link coming.
Schedule: Each team is slated for five games. First game’s at 10:15 am. We've scheduled out six 25-minute games for the morning with a lunch/point calculation break at midday. The afternoon session is playoffs. Expect to stay and play through 4 pm.
Expect HOT! Bring ice water, sunscreen, electrolytes, hats, coolers etc.
Do you have a pop-up tent or sunshade to share? Add it to the sign-up sheet.
A slip n’ slide would really make it a blast- anyone got?
Carpools: Use the CARPOOL tab on the sign up sheet to express interest in carpooling.
Google maps search results in two locations. The field is the west most address, the one surrounded by cows. See parking information and directions on the Davis website: Aggie Field Hockey Facility - Facilities - UC Davis Athletics (
GET PUMPED and add a song to our playlist!!