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UC Davis Spring 7v7 Tournament - U14 & U19

UC Davis Field Hockey Spring U14&U19 CoEd 7v7 Tournament on April 5th, 2020. 
Register by March 29th, 2020. 

Check-in Time: 8:00am

Cost: $350.00

Officials Provided.

Individuals may register on House Team. After a team is registered, please contact Dominique Masters at to get the team's discount code to use for the individual registrations.

Please make sure to bring:
- Water
- 2 Color jerseys/pinnies (Light & Dark)
- Turf Shoes or Sneakers (No Cleats Please)
- Shinguards/Mouth Guard/Stick
- Goalkeepers must bring own equipment 

Schedules and rules will be emailed to coaches prior to the tournament. 

An Athlete's age on December 31 of that given year determines what age group the athlete will be in for the following year. 

April 4

UC Davis Spring 7v7 Tournament - U12 & U16

April 17

Stanford Spring Hockey 6's Team Clinic